- General performance and stability improvements - for real
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes using wrong glow LOD when using original LOD assignments
- DynDOLOD.exe - added RemoveUnseenZShift to ini for same setting in LODGen.exe export file
- DynDOLOD.exe - added Level32 switch to ini for same switch in LODGen.exe export file, see see ultra tree LOD
- DynDOLOD.exe - added FlatLODVertexColor to ini to set vertex color of flat LOD, see see ultra tree LOD
- DynDOLOD.exe - added FlatLODColorVariance to ini to randomly change vertex color of flat LOD, see see ultra tree LOD
- DynDOLOD.exe - added StaticLODDiffuseFormat, StaticLODNormalFormat, TreeLODDiffuseFormat and TreeLODNormalFormat to ini to set texture atlas formats
- DynDOLOD.exe - added TreeLODAverageColor to ini to replace black transparent parts of billboards with the average tree color - works only with alpha channel output formats
- DynDOLOD.exe - added TreeLODBackgroundTexture to ini to replace black transparent parts of billboards with a texture - works only with alpha channel output formats
- DynDOLOD.exe - shrink normal map texture atlas to 4x4 pixels if all pixels are identical
- DynDOLOD.exe - added beta support for SSE, start with -SSE command line argument
- DynDOLOD.exe - added a check to verify DynDOLOD Resources for the current game mode are installed
- TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
- TexGen.exe - added output format options for diffuse and normal textures
- TexGen.exe - fixed cases of not consequently using lowercase for comparisons
- TexGen.exe - added generation for riftenstonewall02lod.dds
- TexGen.exe - added generation for tundradriftwoodbark01lod.dds
- TexGen.exe - fixed generation of rubblepilelod.dds
- TexGen.exe - fixed generation of fxdirtmound01lod.dds
- TexGen.exe - removed the need for temp files in game data folder
- TexGen.exe - added beta support for SSE, start with -SSE command line argument
- TexGen.exe - added fallback to Texconv.exe for reading in case DDS format is not natively supported
- Texconv.exe - new - custom silent version, prints errors only
- LODGen.exe - added support reading SSE LOD nif
- LODGen.exe - added export Mode=SSE
- LODGen.exe - added support for BSA version 0x69
- LODGen.exe - added lz4 decompression
- LODGen.exe - added GameMode=textureslist to generate a list of textures with UV in between atlas tolerance
- LODGen.exe - added command line parameter game mode to overwrite game mode in export file
- LODGen.exe - updated lz4 package to latest version
- LODGen.exe - better error message in case required Redistributable is missing
- LODGen.exe - added Level32=True, uses *.nif from LOD level 16 if 4th entry is not set to create LOD Level 32 bto
- LODGen.exe - added RemoveUnseenZShift=[float] to adjust terrain height when removing unseen faces
- LODGen.exe - added vertex color support for flat LOD, column 8 and 9 in FlatTextures file
- LODGen.exe - some minor speed improvements and clean up
- LODGen.exe - use assembly version in log
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - all docs updated for new game mode
- DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html - new
- DynDOLOD-Shortcut.txt - new
- DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added info about static object LOD level 32 for map
- DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added info for vertex colors for 2D tree LOD in static LOD for Skyrim SE
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - new - meshes in new Skyrim SE format - removed options/assets that currently do not apply to Skyrim SE
- DynDOLOD Patches - fixed a typo in Wizard.txt