- Install 7-Zip.
- Use 7-Zip to unpack the entire DynDOLOD Standalone archive into a new and empty 'DynDOLOD' directory that is outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game, Data or any mod manager folders. For example C:\Modding\DynDOLOD\. Ensure that the directory structure is preserved. See Updating how to update existing installation and save games.
- Refer to the manual of the mod manager how to add the DynDOLODx64.exe and TexGenx64.exe executables, for example Mod Organizer, Vortex. If the tools are started without setting a Game Mode with a command line argument, a message window will prompt for the desired Game Mode. For Steam versions of the game, use the game launcher to set the current location of the game in the Windows Registry. See Windows Registry Key for more. See Skyrim Special Edition GOG / Skyrim Anniversary Edition GOG in case the GOG version of the game is used.
- Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022. Install .NET Desktop Runtime 6.
- Install either SKSE, SKSE64 or SKSEVR for the used game version according to their documentations.
- Install the Core Files from either DynDOLOD Resources or DynDOLOD Resources SE depending on the used game version as any other mod. Typically overwrite everything else unless another mod specifically instructs to overwrite DynDOLOD Resources. Refer to Load/Overwrite Orders for detailed explanations. Install other options as desired. In case of Enderal, Enderal SE or Enderal VR, the only useful options are the Low-Res LOD Textures and the Desync Birds of Prey.
- Install DynDOLOD DLL and Scripts for Skyrim or Enderal. Install DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts for Skyrim SE/AE, Skyrim VR, Enderal SE or Enderal VR. Overwrite DynDOLOD Resources.
Depending on the load order, install patches from DynDOLOD Patches as any other mod. See Mods if a patch is required.
Do not install any 3rd party tree LOD billboards. Use TexGen to generate all desired LOD billboards.
Any resources or requirements that were installed need to stay active in the load order after LOD generation as well.
After having installed the tools and the requirements, follow the Generation Instructions.
Make a clean save.
Uninstall TexGen output and DynDOLOD output as usual in the mod manager
Uninstall DynDOLOD Resources as usual in the mod manager.
Uninstall DynDOLOD DLL as usual in the mod manager in case it is installed.
Delete the folder that the DynDOLOD Standalone archive was unpacked to.
Delete the file(s) c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\[Skyrim|Skyrim Special Edition|Skyrim VR|Enderal|Enderal Special Edition]\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_next-object.fid and next-object-esm.fid