While the tools run, they print message to the Messages window.
All messages are appended to ..\DynDOLOD\logs\[DynDOLOD|TexGen]_[GAME MODE]_log.txt when the tool is closed. A debug log of the last session is saved to ..\DynDOLOD\logs\[DynDOLOD|TexGen]_[GAME MODE]_debug_log.txt when the tool is closed.
There are 4 major types of messages: Information, <Notice>, <Warning> and <Error>.
Information messages start without any <> identifiers and simply give information about things or informs what process or action is started. They typically do not require an explanation and are not listed below.
Notices are additional messages about LOD generation to detail what happens with specific references or base records.
They are disabled by default. Set Notice=1 in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini to enable notices being printed to the log message window.
See Notices for their explanations.
Warning and Error Messages
Warning messages inform about issues that should be investigated or fixed. If they are ignored there might be visual or game play issues. In that case the warning messages can serve as a reverse look up for troubleshooting.
Error messages inform about issues that need to be fixed. If they are ignored the process might not be able to complete successfully and/or just like with warnings, there might be visual or game play issues including CTD. Most error message about records in plugins are from the xEdit error check. File not found messages are from the OS.
Some errors stop the process with a dedicated pop-up window with further details and a Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message link which directly opens a listed message below. Problems that stop the process are because of errors in the setup, mods, load order, unknown situations, bugs with the tools or third party issues (like OS, antivir, drivers, crapware, hardware etc.) that prevent a successful or safe LOD patch generation. As explained in the Generation Instructions, finalize the load order, install mods, sort and resolve conflicts. Clean and error check the load order with xEdit before generating LOD. Error checking the load order with xEdit will report many of the stop errors like unresolved Form ID in a single run. It also is possible to dry run most things a bit quicker by checking dynamic LOD only in the advanced mode.
For certain warning and error messages DynDOLOD and TexGen create a summary of messages and opens it in the default web browser.
All checks and resulting messages are related to the LOD patch generation. Ignore unqualified statements that claim otherwise or suggest that any of the reported facts are false or negligible. Such statements are an indicator that rudimentary modding practice, the LOD generation and patching processes are not properly understood. DynDOLOD does not do a comprehensive check of the entire load order or of all assets. It only checks records and assets that are potentially eligible for LOD or which are used by records or assets eligible for LOD. Errors or problems with such records or assets prevent a successful LOD patch generation. Use properly made mods made by component mod authors. Tools can not magically work around certain errors, such expectations are insane and it is not how the cathedral modding concept works. Such errors are typically problems that experienced users simply fix in a couple minutes in order to have a stable and working load order - in many cases long before generating the LOD patch. Simply properly troubleshooting and fixing errors takes considerable less time and results in a more stable and better working load order, which is what everybody wants.
In case a message is not listed, needs further explanation, any help is required solving an issue or to report a problem, search for or report it on the official DynDOLOD support forum.
Temporarily disabling plugins or mods is a troubleshooting step and not a fix. If help fixing the cause of a message is required, make a report on the official DynDOLOD support forum.
A list of possible exceptions and their explanations.
The base record type of the large reference is not supported, which triggers large reference bugs.
The LOD billboard was generated by TexGen for a different load order and the full model changed and contains different textures.
The LOD billboard was generated by TexGen for a different load order and the full model or the full textures changed.
A record in a plugin could not be copied.
A problem occurred while trying to copy an asset from an BSA or the data folder.
The plugin needs to be cleaned. See xEdit Cleaning and Error Checking.
Two plugin add a new cell with the same coordinates.
Editor IDs need to be unique.
Duplicate form ID errors are typically caused by broken plugins.
A duplicate reference adds the same model at the same position, rotation and scale as another reference.
This setting is known to cause stuck object LOD after fast travel in Skyrim Special Edition, especially in Whiterun.
Missing meshes result in red exclamation marks placeholders or even CTD.
Missing scripts result in papyrus log error messages and most likely in mods not working as intended.
Missing textures result in purple default textures.
Typically the filename of normal map textures ends in *_n.dds.
A superseded, unnecessary or problematic plugin has been found in the load order.
There is a problem with the mentioned cell record.
INI files store settings.
A large reference is set to be initially disabled triggering large reference bugs.
HITME stands for HIgher Than Master Entry.
The light plugin (ESL) has a form ID outside the allowed range.
The compiled papyrus *.PEX script is corrupted or not in the valid format.
Large references need to be defined as such in the same plugin that adds the reference in order to work correctly.
Large reference bugs are triggered by records under certain conditions.
Large reference data defined in non master flagged plugins (ESM) is not used by the game.
A required LOD billboard was not found.
A full model was copied 1:1 to a LOD model filename instead of using the recommended, easier and future proof mesh rules.
A LOD model might be using animation or other features that are not supported by object LOD.
Mods should be following standard file and path naming conventions established by Bethesda and as expected by the tools for better usability and compatibility.
Object LOD meshes generation failed for a worldspace.
Standard tree LOD does not support more than 256 different tree LOD billboards on the tree LOD atlas texture.
A large reference has been moved to another cell.
TexGen and DynDOLOD use OpenGL to render, create and resize textures.
A large reference is being overwritten by a non ESM plugin triggering large reference bugs.
Parallax shader flags can cause CTD on default shader types.
The path is not allowed.
The mentioned season or swap INI file contains an invalid plugin filename.
There is a plugin limit.
A plugin adds a new cell that might be a wild edit.
A wild edit results in a floating object in the middle of the map.
A property (variable) is defined for a papyrus script, but its definition does not exist in the script.
The model might be invisible in the game.
A record is being overridden by a different type of record typically happens because of not properly converted plugins.
The root node of a NIF for object models should typically be a BSFadeNode.
Every plugin containing deleted references should be cleaned.
Terrain LOD meshes were generated while a plugin or mod which was made for another game was installed.
TexGen output refers to the installed mod made from the TexGen output folder.
The game requires specific texture resolutions.
There are outdated LOD resources in the load order.
Unresolved form ID errors signify records that try to use non-existing records in the same or master plugins.
This message is printed by the internal xEdit error check.
Games store their installation location in the Windows registry.
The worldspace bounds define the dimension of a worldspace.
The Editor ID of the winning overwrite for a worldspace record defines the filenames of LOD files.
A worldspace master record is being injected into another plugin.
A mod contains a LOD billboard with a wrong path.