See Wizard mode.
Some options might not be available or visible depending on the game mode or the installed additional requirements.
The first time DynDOLOD is started, some settings like the Max tile size LOD, Max tile size full and the Max tile size billboard are adjusted to the current game resolution as determined by the Prefs, Custom or Display Tweaks INI.
Once the OK button is clicked, the current settings are saved as a preset to ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Presets\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_Default.ini for the next time DynDOLOD is started.
Select the worldspaces to generate the LOD mod for. Use right click to select all or none.
If Seasons are enabled, enable or disable seasons generation for a worldspace by double clicking a worldspace line. [Seasons] will be appended/removed to/from the worldspace line. See Seasons for more.
Ignore wrong third party instructions to not select specific worldspaces because of "problems" or pre-made LOD. Pre-made LOD only works and matches the load order it was generated for and it is all but guaranteed that models, textures and plugins are going to be different. Instead of ignoring problems or issues, they should be reported or discussed on to the official DynDOLOD support forum to be fixed or properly addressed.
The list only shows worldspaces that are eligible for LOD generation.
- For each worldspace there needs to be a lodsettings file ..\LODSettings\[WORLDSPACE].LOD in the games data folder or the loaded *.BSA files. Lodsettings *.LOD files can be created with xLODGen.
- Verify the message log that all *.BSA files for the vanilla game and for plugins from mods are loaded.
- Some worldspaces are filtered out by default because generating LOD for them might not be useful or requires special attention. In order to have these worldspaces show up in the list, remove the worldspace name from the file ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_worldspace_ignore.txt.
Low, Medium or High Preset Buttons
Clicking any of the presets buttons will load mesh mask and reference rules for the current plugin load order.
All existing rules will be replaced.
Use the Save preset and Load preset buttons to save custom rules for later use.
Candles, FXGlow
The check boxes activate rules for Candles and FXGlow.
These rules will be loaded when clicking any of the low, medium or high preset buttons.
Output Path
To minimize issues often caused by features or quirks of the OS, mod managers and other third party programs, DynDOLOD/TexGen prevents the use of certain paths/folders.
The output path should be outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game or any mod manager folders.
If generating from scratch, delete all old files in the output folder first.
Any existing old files in the output folder will be overwritten by the new files with the same path and filename.
Once the generation of files has been successfully completed, the content of the output folder should be installed as any other mod.
Mesh Mask and Reference Rules
The list of currently loaded mesh mask / reference rules.
Mesh mask / reference rules define which LOD models or tree LOD billboards are used for object LOD and dynamic LOD.
To edit, add or delete rules, right click a row.
Use the Save preset and Load preset buttons to save custom rules for later use.
Rules are only updated for the current load order when clicking the Low, Medium or High Preset Buttons, which will replace any custom rules.
Object LOD
Check Object LOD to generate object LOD meshes and the object LOD texture atlas.
Max tile size LOD sets the maximum resolution a single object LOD texture can occupy on the object LOD texture atlas. Typically set to match the vertical screen resolution, e.g 1024 for 1080p/1440p, 2048 for 2160p etc.
Max tile size full sets the maximum resolution a single full texture can occupy on the object LOD texture atlas. Typically set to 1/4 of the vertical screen resolution, e.g. 256 for 1080p/1440p, 512 for 2160p etc.
Lower max texture resolutions result in less resource usage, higher means better quality.
Tree LOD
Check Tree LOD to generate tree LOD with tree LOD billboards.
Check Ultra to generate ultra tree LOD. Requires object LOD to be checked.
Check Large to make the full model trees large references - if they are added by ESM flagged plugins. Requires DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts, which includes the large reference bugs workarounds. The TreeLargeRefSize
setting in the ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini controls the size threshold, e.g. if smaller trees should be large references, lower the value. Also, references that are overwritten by non ESM flagged plugins, have enable parents or are initially disabled are skipped. In case the tree base records have locational swaps, like cells, locations or regions, they are skipped.
Negative Billboard Brightness values will make the billboard tree LOD darker, while positive values will make it brighter.
Max tile size billboard sets the maximum resolution a single tree LOD billboard texture can occupy on the tree or object LOD texture atlas. Typically set to match the vertical screen resolution, e.g. 1024 for 1080p/1440p, 2048 for 2160p etc.
Note that standard tree LOD only supports a single tree LOD atlas texture per worldspace, which means too many too large tree LOD billboards will cause an error because not all of them can be fitted onto the tree LOD texture atlas. Lower their resolution, remove some tree LOD billboards or use ultra tree LOD.
Lower max texture resolutions result in less resource usage, higher means better quality.
Always generate tree LOD for the current load order. Ignore third party instructions to not generate tree LOD. Never use pre-made tree LOD from mods.
Dynamic LOD
Check Dynamic LOD to generate dynamic LOD. Dynamic LOD uses the NearGrid and FarGrid - cells around the player - to show animated, glow LOD or quest enabled object LOD and tree LOD.
NearGridsToLoad sets the NearGrid cells diameter around the player.
FarGridsToLoad sets the FarGrid cells diameter around the player.
Glow Windows / High
Adds glow LOD windows to LOD buildings.
If High is not checked, all glow LOD windows are done in object LOD.
Checking High adds glow LOD windows as dynamic LOD so that the glow LOD windows react to external lighting - if the reference placing the original building defines the external lighting setting.
Fake lights
Checking Fake lights selected world adds FXGlow LOD in place of lights in the worldspace that LOD is generated for. Typically, leave this unchecked.
Checking Fake lights child world adds FXGlow LOD in place of lights in the child worldspaces (walled cities with a load door).
Prefer Base Record LOD Assignments over Rules
Check to use existing vanilla LOD assignments on 'STAT' base records instead of rules. Worse visuals.
Depending on quality of installed mods can have negative performance impact.
Upgrade NearGrid Large References to FarGrid
Skyrim Special Edition, Enderal SE, Skyrim VR, Enderal VR only.
Unchecked - large references that would have dynamic LOD in the NearGrid are ignored. They will not have LOD beyond the large reference distance setting.
Checked - large references that would have dynamic LOD in the NearGrid are added to the FarGrid. They will have LOD beyond the large reference distance setting.
As a rule of thumb, check the box "Upgrade NearGrid Large Refs" in case the large reference system is not used - uLargeRefLODGridSize = uGridsToLoad (default 5) - to make sure all references receive dynamic LOD as intended. The result would be LOD working the same as it did in Skyrim. Vice versa, do not check this option in case the large referene system is used - uLargeRefLODGridSize > uGridsToLoad >= 5. Upgrading large references that were intended for NearGrid means more resource usage in case the large reference system is used. References that are intended for NearGrid are typically smaller and it generally makes not much sense to show them beyond the large reference grid.
Occlusion Data
Check Occlusion data to generate TVDT - Occlusion Data.
Quality sets the number of samples used for calculations. Generally use 2 for a quick update. Use 3 if time permits - it typically results in a few more areas that are disabled which means slightly better performance.
If Plugin is not checked, the occlusion data is generated into the DynDOLOD.esp.
Check Plugin to generate a dedicated Occlusion.esp, which is equivalent to using xLODGen.
Terrain Underside
Check Terrain underside to generate underside terrain meshes.
The Quality option defines the resolution. Higher numbers better performance but with a higher chance of the terrain underside mesh visually peaking through the actual terrain or terrain LOD.
The Height sets the negative distance to the actual terrain. Lower numbers mean better better blocking at a higher risk of the terrain underside mesh visually peaking through the actual terrain or terrain LOD.
Grass LOD
Check Grass LOD to generate grass LOD in object LOD. Requires Object LOD to be checked, grass LOD billboards and *.CGID grass cache files.
The option is disabled if its requirements are not met. Hover the mouse pointer to see a tooltip with the number of found *.CGID grass cache files and grass LOD billboards.
Density sets the percentage of grass LOD billboards that are being generated. 50 means only half of the grass placements are added for better performance but thinner grass LOD in the distance.
Mode should match the desired DynDOLODGrassMode in ..\NetScriptFramework\Plugins\GrassControl.config.txt. 1 = full grass renders to the edge of the active exterior cells (uGridsToLoad) for better performance. 2 = full grass renders to the edge of the large object distance (uLargeRefLODGridSize) for better visuals.
Check Seasons to generate additional LOD files and data for different seasons. Requires season swap data to be loaded.
Check Snow to apply the snow LOD shader to the non swapped objects in object LOD.
Select the desired seasons in the drop down menu. Only seasons for which season swap data has been loaded will be available.
Make sure that at lest one worldspace in the Worldspaces checkbox listing top left has the [Seasons] identifier.
Parent > Child
The Parent > child option copies references that have LOD from the parent worldspace to the child worldspaces. See Child/Parent Worldspace Copies for more.
Child > Parent
The Child > parent option copies references that could have LOD from the child worldspaces to the parent worldspace. The presets can be used to control what types of objects are copied. Low does not make copies for trees for example, while the medium and high presets do. See Child/Parent Worldspace Copies for more.
In case an existing save game is being updated, read Updating first.
Start generating LOD by clicking OK.
Pay attention to all warnings and errors log messages in the message window. Warning log messages inform about issues that should be fixed. Errors prevent successful LOD generation and need to be fixed.
Wait for all processes including all spawned LODGen command prompt windows to complete their tasks.
Check the message window that the LOD generation finished with DynDOLOD plugins generated successfully.
Check the message window that for each selected worldspace there is a LODGen generated object LOD for [WORLDSPACE] successfully. In case there was an error follow the instructions to check the LODGen log.
In case there were errors do not use any of the files from the output folder in the game. Fix the errors.
If generation was successful, click Save & Exit to save the plugin(s) or click Save & Zip & Exit to save the plugin(s) and to create a *.zip archive of the output for easier mod installation.
Install the contents of the output path or the *.zip archive as a mod. It should overwrite everything.
Activate the plugins(s). In case Occlusion.esp was generated, it should be the last plugin to load right after DynDOLOD.esp.
Launch the game via skse[64|vr]_loader.exe. Start a new game or load a save game and enter an exterior worldspace for which LOD has been generated. Wait for onscreen message top left and/or check DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM menu.
Ignore any contradicting third party instructions. Use correct options and settings for the desired results.