Merged Plugins

For a number of mods there are mesh mask rules or reference rules included. These rules are added to the Mesh Mask and Reference Rules listing shown on the advanced mode, if the plugin filename is found in the load order when using the Default, Low, Medium or High buttons.

Set Notice=1 in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini to see the individual log messages about loading rule files. Otherwise look for these messages in the debug log.

If Merge Plugins is used to merge mods, its *_map.txt files with data for each merged mod are used by DynDOLOD to update rules using old mod names and form IDs to the new merged mod name and form IDs automatically. Check the ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_log.txt for and in case reference rules are used, check that these rules changed to the 'merged mod name;new form ID'.

If zEdit zMerge is used to merge mods, its map.json files with data for each merged mod are used by DynDOLOD to update rules using old mod names and form IDs to the new merged mod name and form IDs automatically. Check the ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_log.txt for and in case reference rules are used, check that these rules changed to the 'merged mod name;new form ID'.

In case other tools were used to merge mods, these rules are not automatically applied anymore. Use one of the several ways to apply rules:

  • Click through to the advanced mode. Manually add mesh rules after clicking Default, Low, Medium or High buttons. See the advanced mode and mesh mask / reference rules for more.
  • Click through to the advanced mode. While the plugin still exists with its original filename in the load order, auto build the mesh rules by clicking Default, Low, Medium or High buttons and then save a preset.
    Reload the preset after merging, as the listed mesh rules themselves are independent from loaded mods. Do not click Default, Low, Medium or High buttons. Reference rules which start with pluginname.[ESM|ESP|ESL];00ABCDEF will have to updated manually to the merged plugins filename and the new form ID - if it changed.
  • Check the rules folder ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\rules\ and open a *.ini rules file in notepad. Copy and paste the rules from the different rules files into a new file. Save the new file as DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE]_[mergedesp].ini without any spaces and all non-alphanumeric characters removed from the merged plugin name, including the dot .
    While editing the file in notepad make sure the numbering of each line starting with LODGenXX= begins at 1 at the top and is continuous without any gaps or repeating numbers to the bottom. Reference rules which start with pluginname.[ESM|ESP|ESL];00ABCDEF will have to be updated manually to the merged plugin filename and the new form ID - if it changed.