*_SWAP.INI files - Base Object Swapper is a SKSE plugin and framework for swapping base objects and references, using config files.
.NET Script Framework - Framework for memory editing, native code hooking and writing DLL plugins in any .NET language.
3D Tree LOD - Ultra tree LOD or LOD trees in object LOD are the terms used for when LOD for trees is done in object LOD instead of the standard tree LOD system.
3D Tree LOD Model - 3D tree LOD or hybrid tree LOD models are optional LOD assets for ultra tree LOD generation.
Active Exterior Cell - By default the game loads 5x5 exterior cells around the player. The uGridsToLoad. The active cells are the ones that are currently seen.
Advanced Mode - The advanced mode allows to control certain LOD generation options.
Atlas Map - An atlas map file ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_[GAME MODE]_[Object|Tree]_Atlas_Map_[worldspace].* lists the positions of textures on a LOD atlas texture.
Atlas Texture - An atlas texture combines several textures into one texture.
Base Object Swapper - SKSE plugin and framework for swapping base objects and references, using config files.
Base Record - Base records define basic values or assets which are then used by other records.
Base Record Swapping - SKSE plugin and framework for swapping base objects and references, using config files.
Base Record Type Not STAT or MSTT For Large Reference - The base record type of the large reference is not supported, which triggers large reference bugs.
Batch Plugin Cleaner for Mod Organizer - Plugin for Mod Organizer that will run sseedit quick clean on all bethesda & creation club plugins.
BSA - Bethesda Software Archive. Contains data files used by the game or mods.
Can Not Copy Record - A record in a plugin could not be copied.
Can Not Copy Resource - A problem occurred while trying to copy an asset from an BSA or the data folder.
Candles - Glow LOD is a combination of different type of objects that one way or the other emit light.
Cathedral Asset Optimizer - An automation tool used to optimize BSAs, meshes, textures and animations.
Cathedral Assets Optimizer - An automation tool used to optimize BSAs, meshes, textures and animations.
Changelog - List of changelog entries.
Child Worldspace - A child worldspace is a location that replaces the exterior cells of a parent worldspace. It can use the LOD of the parent worldspace.
Child/Parent Worldspace Copies - Most walled cities are child worlds that are embedded into a parent world used for LOD.
Clean Save - When updating DynDOLOD output from scratch or when switching from PapyrusUtil to DynDOLOD DLL or vice versa for an existing save game, a clean save should be created.
Combine Worldspaces for LOD - Include the LOD of one worldspace in the LOD of another worldspace.
Command Line Argument - A command line argument is a parameter that is added after the executable name to pass information to it.
Community Shaders - SKSE core plugin for community-driven advanced graphics modifications.
Crash Logger - Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB support | Generates crash logs when the game Just Works. This is a SSE/AE/VR port using fudgyduff's MIT source. This can read PDB files that mod authors may distribute.
Create Mod mode - The Create MOD mode creates a patch plugin with the required base record updates for standard object LOD and tree LOD generation.
CTD - Crash To Desktop
Data Folder - ..\SteamApps\Common\[Skyrim|Skyrim Special Edition|SkyrimVR|Enderal|Enderal Special Edition]\Data\*.* or the mod manager equivalent.
Data Path - ..\SteamApps\Common\[Skyrim|Skyrim Special Edition|SkyrimVR|Enderal|Enderal Special Edition]\Data\*.* or the mod manager equivalent.
Deleted Reference - A deleted reference is a record in a game plugin that has the "Deleted" flag set.
Distant LOD - The distant LOD is shown beyond the active exterior cells in the LOD area.
DLC - Downloadable content like Dawnguard, HearthFires, Dragonborn or paid mods also known as Creation Club.
Double Sided - Typically only one side of a triangle is drawn. The double sided flags means both sides of a triangle are drawn.
Downloads - Download links for DynDOLOD and its requirements.
Duplicate Cell - Two plugin add a new cell with the same coordinates.
Duplicate Form ID - Duplicate form ID errors are typically caused by broken plugins.
Dynamic LOD - Dynamic LOD is an optional type of LOD by DynDOLOD for objects that change state based on quests like military tents, ships, animated objects like waterfalls or fires or glow LOD windows that react to weather/sunlight.
DynDOLOD DLL - DynDOLOD DLL is a SKSE plugin and its accompanying papyrus scripts that can be used instead of PapyrusUtil.
DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts - DynDOLOD DLL is a SKSE plugin and its accompanying papyrus scripts that can be used instead of PapyrusUtil.
DynDOLOD FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
DynDOLOD Output - The DynDOLOD output refers to the installed mod made from DynDOLOD output folder.
DynDOLOD Output Folder - The DynDOLOD output folder is the folder that the DynDOLOD generation writes all files to.
DynDOLOD Patches - The DynDOLOD Patches contain patch files and papyrus script patches for a select list of mods.
DynDOLOD plugin - DynDOLOD.esm and/or DynDOLOD.esp
DynDOLOD Reference - Technical description of the LOD mod generation process by DynDOLOD.
DynDOLOD Resources - DynDOLOD Resources Core Files contains LOD assets required for object LOD and tree LOD generation.
DynDOLOD Resources SE - DynDOLOD Resources SE Core Files contains LOD assets required for object LOD and tree LOD generation.
DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM - The DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM (Mod Configuration Menu) provides information and allows changing settings related to LOD.
DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM NG - The DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM (Mod Configuration Menu) provides information and allows changing settings related to LOD.
Editor ID - The Editior ID is a unique text name assigned to records (forms) when they are created. It is used to make searching and identifying things in the Creation Kit easier. It can only contain the characters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 and _ % &.
ENB - ENB is a modification that adds graphical enhancements for video games.
Enderal - Enderal refers to the total conversion for Skyrim.
Enderal SE - Enderal Special Edition refers to the total conversion for Skyrim Special Edition.
Enderal VR - Enderal VR refers to the total conversion for Skyrim VR.
Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows - SKSE plugin that improves volumetric lighting and shadows by synchronizing them with Skyrim's sun and moon(s)
Exceptions - An exception is a problem that does not have its own help page.
Expert Mode - The expert mode allows executing LODGen again or updating texture atlasses without redoing the entire LOD generation process.
Export File - An export file ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_[GAME MODE]_Export_[WORLDSPACE].txt contains the data for LODGen to generate object meshes or terrain meshes.
Exterior Cell - An exterior cell defines a small area in a worldspace.
External Billboard - An external billboard is a NIF that can be used as a template for LOD trees with billboards done in object LOD.
FarGrid - Defines the distance of dynamic LOD references.
fBlockLevel0Distance - INI setting to define the maximum distance for object LOD level 4.
fBlockLevel1Distance - INI setting to define the maximum distance for object LOD level 8.
fBlockMaximumDistance - INI setting to define the maximum distance for object LOD level 16.
fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn - INI setting to define the time the screen stays black after loading.
Form ID - Form IDs (FormIDs) are eight digit hex-numbers which serve as unique identifiers for virtually everything in the game.
fSkyCellRefFadeDistance - INI setting to define the distance for neverfade objects (for example clouds).
fSplitDistanceMult - INI setting to define the multiplier for terrain LOD levels. The object LOD distances are multiplied by this value.
fTreeLoadDistance - INI setting to define the maximum distance that tree LOD is loaded.
Full Plugin - A full plugin is an ESM or ESP.
FXGlow - Glow LOD is a combination of different type of objects that one way or the other emit light.
Game Launcher - Skyrim[SE|VR]Launcher.exe or Enderal Launcher.exe in main game folder.
Game Mode - The game mode defines which game DynDOLOD or TexGen currently supports. It can be TES5, SSE, TES5VR, ENDERAL or ENDERALSE
GAME NAME - Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim VR, Enderal or Enderal Special Edition
Game Units - A game unit is 1.428 cm or 0.5625"
Generation Instructions - LOD generation instructions for TexGen and DynDOLOD.
Global - A global variable is a numeric value stored by the game.
Glow LOD - Glow LOD is a combination of different types of objects that one way or the other emit light.
Glow LOD Windows - Glow LOD is a combination of different type of objects that one way or the other emit light.
Grass Cache Fixes - Usage of grass cache files generated via No Grass In Objects (NGIO) without requiring NGIO to be active on the game version being used.
Grass LOD - Grass LOD is done like ultra tree LOD in object LOD.
Grass LOD Billboard - LOD Billboards are LOD assets required for tree LOD or grass LOD generation.
GUI - Graphical User interface
HD Grass LOD Billboard - LOD Billboards are LOD assets required for tree LOD or grass LOD generation.
HD Tree LOD Billboard - LOD Billboards are LOD assets required for tree LOD or grass LOD generation.
How LOD Works - Brief introduction to how the game renders things around the player and far away.
Hybrid Tree LOD Model - 3D tree LOD or hybrid tree LOD models are optional LOD assets for ultra tree LOD generation.
Ignoring Cell - There is a problem with the mentioned cell record.
ILS - Infinite Loading Screen
INI Files - INI files store settings.
Initially Disabled Large Reference - A large reference is set to be initially disabled triggering large reference bugs.
Injected Worldspace - A worldspace master record is being injected into another plugin.
Installation Instructions - Installation instructions for DynDOLOD and its requirements.
Internal Billboard - The internal billboard is an automatically created model with 2 planes crossing at 90 degrees. It is used when LOD trees with billboards are done in object LOD.
Invalid Object ID - The light plugin (ESL) has a form ID outside the allowed range.
Large Reference - The large reference grid is a feature of Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR to show a select list of full models outside the active exterior cells.
Large Reference Bugs - Large reference bugs often result in textures to flicker (z-fight).
Large Reference Bugs Workarounds - Experimental workaround to counter texture flicker caused by large reference bugs.
Large References Fix - The Large References Fix checkbox on the DynDOLOD SkyUI Main Page helps dynamic LOD work correctly.
Latest Version - List of changelog entries.
Light Plugin - A light plugin is an ESL or an ESL flagged ESP.
Load Order - The order in which mods, their files and plugins are loaded. Loading after = higher priority = winning overwrite. All files of the load order are installed in the "data" folder of the game.
Load/Overwrite Orders - The load order of mods and plugins determines which assets and plugins win conflicts.
LOD - In this context, distant LOD or more specifically terrain LOD, object LOD and tree LOD which are combined models, textures or data for a specific larger area.
LOD area - The distant LOD is shown beyond the active exterior cells in the LOD area.
LOD Billboard - LOD Billboards are LOD assets required for tree LOD or grass LOD generation.
LOD Level - Terrain LOD and object LOD are both divided into up to four levels depending on their distance to the player.
LOD Level 16 - The LOD meshes at further distance. Highest object LOD Level also used for the map by default.
LOD Level 32 - Furthest LOD. By default only used for terrain LOD. Also used for the map.
LOD Level 4 - The LOD meshes right after the active cells.
LOD Level 8 - The LOD meshes at medium distance.
LODGen - LODGen is a command line tool that generates terrain and object LOD meshes.
Log Message - There are 4 major types of log messages: Information, <Notice>, <Warning> and <Error>.
Loose File - Game data files in the data folder, which are not in a BSA. Loose files always win over files in BSA.
LOOT - Load Order Optimisation Tool
Maps And Map Mods - Information about the map and mods changing it.
Merged Plugins - If plugins are merged for which mesh mask rule files exist, make sure that those rules are now loaded for the merged plugin name.
Mesh - 3D models are represented by so called meshes - a collection of vertices and triangles.
Mesh Mask - The mesh mask rules control which references have what type and quality of object LOD.
Mesh Mask / Reference Rules - The mesh mask and reference rules control which references have what type and quality of object LOD.
Message Log - The tools print log message to the Messages window.
Mfg Console - Shows additional information on objects when the console is opened.
Mod Authors - Explanations how to include custom rules or LOD assets in mods to support automatic LOD generation with DynDOLOD.
Model - 3D models represent objects in video games.
Modwat.ch - Modlist-hosting site for Skyrim, Skyrim SE and Fallout 4.
More Informative Console - Shows a great deal of additional information on objects when the console is opened.
NearGrid - Defines the distance of dynamic LOD references.
NET Desktop Runtime 6 - Download .NET Desktop Runtime 6
NET Desktop Runtime 7 - Download .NET Desktop Runtime 7
Net Framework 4.8 - Download .NET Framework
NET Runtime 6 - Download .NET Desktop Runtime 6
NET Runtime 7 - Download .NET 7
Neverfade - A Neverfade is a reference that has the Is Full LOD flag set. The flags Is Full LOD and Persistent make a reference show outside the active exterior cells. For example clouds.
NIF - NetImmerse File. Contains data for 3D models containing vertices, triangles, shader and texture information etc.
No Grass In Objects - Stops grass from growing out of rocks, floorboards, bedrolls, crates, roads and other objects. Also allows drawing grass outside of active cells.
No Grass in Objects NG - Stops grass from growing out of rocks, floorboards, bedrolls, crates, roads and other objects. Also allows drawing grass outside of active cells.
Notices - Notices are additional information about LOD generation to detail what happens with specific references or base records.
Object Bounds - The objects bounds are the values of a models bounding volume defined on a base record.
Object LOD - Object LOD are combined meshes and textures for objects that do not change and are not animated, like buildings or landscape features like mountains and rocks.
OBND - Object Bounds - The objects bounds are the values of a models bounding volume defined on a base record.
Occlusion Data - Occlusion data disables LOD that is occluded by terrain LOD.
Occlusion Generation - Occlusion data disables LOD that is occluded by terrain LOD.
Occlusion.esp - Occlusion data disables LOD that is occluded by terrain LOD.
Official DynDOLOD Support Forum - Make use of the official DynDOLOD support forum in case there are any questions or problems with the tools mods or any other LOD related question, including questions about issues or compatibility with mods.
Open Cities Skyrim - Creating LOD for Open Cities Skyrim requires a two step process.
OpenGL - TexGen and DynDOLOD use OpenGL to render, create and resize textures.
OS - Operating System - for example Windows.
Overwritten Large Reference - A large reference is being overwritten by a non ESM plugin triggering large reference bugs.
PapyrusUtil - PapyrusUtil is a SKSE plugin that adds functionality to papyrus scripting which allows to work quickly with a large amounts of data stored in external files using the json format.
PapyrusUtil LE - PapyrusUtil is a SKSE plugin that adds functionality to papyrus scripting which allows to work quickly with a large amounts of data stored in external files using the json format.
PapyrusUtil SE - PapyrusUtil is a SKSE plugin that adds functionality to papyrus scripting which allows to work quickly with a large amounts of data stored in external files using the json format.
PapyrusUtil VR - PapyrusUtil is a SKSE plugin that adds functionality to papyrus scripting which allows to work quickly with a large amounts of data stored in external files using the json format.
ParallaxGen - Dynamic Mesh Patcher - Dynamically patch meshes to enable parallax, complex material, or truepbr depending on the textures in your load order.
Parent Worldspace - A parent worldspace typically has its own LOD - if a lodsettings file in ..\Data\LODSettings\[WORLDSPACE].lod exists. A child worldspace can use the LOD of a parent worldspace.
Partial Form Flag - Records that have the Partial Form flag set do not overwrite the data of the record from the plugin loaded before them. Only a few record types support it.
Path Not Allowed - The path is not allowed.
Performance - Tips and explanations regarding performance.
Plugin Limit - There is a plugin limit.
Potentially Wild Edit Cell - A plugin adds a new cell that might be a wild edit.
Record Is Being Overridden - A record is being overridden by a different type of record typically happens because of not properly converted plugins.
Record Is Being Overwritten - A record is being overwritten by a different type of record typically happens because of not properly converted plugins.
Reference - A reference places an object as defined by base record in a cell.
Reference Rule - The reference rules control which references have what type and quality of object LOD.
Regedit.exe - The Windows Registry Editor (regedit) is a graphical tool in the Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) that enables authorized users to view the Windows registry and make changes.
Runtime - The term runtime refers to the main executable of the game, e.g. TESV.exe, SkyrimSE.exe or SkyrimVR.exe. Their version changes between updates. SKSE and DLL plugins are version depended.
Seasons - A feature to generate distinct LOD files and data for different seasons.
Seasons of Skyrim - Seasons of Skyrim is a SKSE based framework for adding seasons, based on config files.
Site Search - Search the DynDOLOD website for keywords or phrases.
Skill - Not having a skill is normal. Skills are acquired. It is normal that a certain level of a skill is needed in order to do something, like driving a car. It is suggested to watch videos or follow good guides to learn good modding practice with a mod manager for example.
SKSE - Skyrim Script Extender
SKSE Plugin Status - A wiki page listing which runtime version SKSE plugins support.
SKSE64 - Skyrim Script Extender
SKSE64GOG - Skyrim Script Extender
SKSEVR - Skyrim Script Extender
Skyrim - Skyrim or Skyrim LE refers to the original x86 version of the game released in 2011.
Skyrim AE - Skyrim Anniversary Edition refers to Skyrim Special Edition including the Anniversary DLC.
Skyrim AE GOG - Skyrim Special Edition GOG / Skyrim Anniversary Edition GOG
Skyrim Anniversary Edition - Skyrim Anniversary Edition refers to Skyrim Special Edition including the Anniversary DLC.
Skyrim Anniversary Edition GOG - Skyrim Anniversary Edition GOG refers to Skyrim Special Edition GOG including the Anniversary DLC.
Skyrim LE - Skyrim or Skyrim LE refers to the original x86 version of the game released in 2011.
Skyrim SE - Skyrim Special Edition refers to the x64 version released 2016.
Skyrim SE GOG - Skyrim Special Edition GOG / Skyrim Anniversary Edition GOG
Skyrim Special Edition - Skyrim Special Edition refers to the x64 version released 2016.
Skyrim Special Edition GOG - Skyrim Special Edition GOG refers to the x64 version released 2022.
Skyrim VR - Skyrim VR refers to the x64 version of the game released in 2018.
Skyrim VR ESL Support - SKSEVR plugin to add full ESL support to Skyrim VR.
Skyrim.INI - A comprehensive and advanced guide of Skyrim.ini settings.
SkyrimPrefs.INI - A comprehensive and advanced guide of SkyrimPrefs.ini settings.
Snow/Ash Material LOD Shader - The snow LOD and ash LOD shaders are applied onto object LOD in-game.
SSE Engine Fixes - SKSE64 plugin to fix various issues with the Skyrim Special Edition engine.
Standard Tree LOD - Skyrim has a dedicated tree LOD system, which uses tree LOD billboard textures and specific data files (not meshes like terrain LOD or object LOD) to show tree LOD in the game.
Summary Of Messages - DynDOLOD creates a summary of some similar warning and error messages for easier review and better understanding.
Terrain LOD - Terrain LOD is the distant ground and large bodies of water.
Terrain LOD Incorrect - Terrain LOD meshes were generated while a plugin or mod which was made for another game was installed.
Terrain Underside - The terrain underside helps to block sun-rays shining through terrain.
Texconv - Texconv is a command line tool to convert textures to different formats.
TexGen - TexGen is a tool which updates a select list of object LOD textures and tree/grass LOD billboards.
TexGen Configuration - Detailed information for configuration files and special models TexGen uses to create stitched and rendered object LOD textures and billboards.
TexGen Output - TexGen output refers to the installed mod made from the TexGen output folder.
Texture Resolution - Explanations how to determine the best texture resolution for the different types of LOD.
Textures Do Not Match - There are outdated LOD resources in the load order.
tll command - The tll console command can be used to toggle of all or specific LOD types. Available parameters are all, land, water, objects or trees.
Tree LOD - Skyrim has a dedicated tree LOD system, which uses tree LOD billboard textures and specific data files (not meshes like terrain LOD or object LOD) to show tree LOD in the game.
Tree LOD Billboard - LOD Billboards are LOD assets required for tree LOD or grass LOD generation.
Tree LOD Lighting - Community Shaders feature which replaces tree LOD shaders.
Tree/Grass LOD Billboard - LOD Billboards are LOD assets required for tree LOD or grass LOD generation.
TVDT - Occlusion Data - Occlusion data disables LOD that is occluded by terrain LOD.
UAC - User Account Control.
uGridsToLoad - INI setting to define how many cells which contain the full game content are active around the player.
uLargeRefLODGridSize - INI setting to define the size in cells of the large reference grid around the player.
uLockedObjectMapLOD - INI setting to define which object LOD level is used for the map
uLockedTerrainLOD - INI setting to define which terrain LOD level is used for the map
Ultra Tree LOD - Ultra tree LOD or LOD trees in object LOD is the term used for LLODfor trees done in static oobject LOD This can be 33D tree LOD ttree LOD billboardsor a mixture of both - hybrid LLODtrees.
Unresolved Form ID - Unresolved form ID errors signify records that try to use non-existing records in the same or master plugins.
Updating - Detailed instructions when updating existing save games or an existing DynDOLOD installation.
UserName - Replace with the actual user name for the folder.
VWD - Visible When Distant
Water LOD - Terrain LOD is the distant ground and large bodies of water.
Waterfalls - Information for mods that change waterfall meshes or textures.
Windows Registry - The Windows Registry is a database that stores settings for Windows and for applications.
Windows Registry Key - Games store their installation location in the Windows registry.
Wizard Mode - The wizard mode generates object, tree and dynamic LOD and occlusion data by selecting one of three quality presets.
Worldspace - A worldspace is a large location in the game that can have LOD. A worldspace comprised of many different exterior cells.
Worldspace Bounds - The worldspace bounds define the dimension of a worldspace.
Worldspace Editor ID - The Editor ID of the winning overwrite for a worldspace record defines the filenames of LOD files.
Worldspace Injected - A worldspace master record is being injected into another plugin.
X - X as in xEdit or xLODGen stands for the game mode, for example TES5, SSE, TES5VR, ENDERAL, ENDERALSE, FNV, FO3, FO4, FO4VR
x64 - x64 stands for a CPU architecture. Typically the x64 versions of the tools should be used.
x86 - x86 stands for a CPU architecture. Typically the x64 versions of the tools should be used.
xEdit - xEdit is an advanced tool for manipulating Bethesda games plugins. The x stands for the game mode like TES5, SSE etc.
xEdit Asset Browser - The xEdit assets browser can be started with Ctrl+F3.
xEdit Cleaning Extension - A useful extension for Vortex which allows you to use xEdit's "Quick Auto Clean" function on any GameBryo plugins in your load order.
xLODGen - xLODGen is a renamed xEdit to automatically start the -lodgen xEdit tool mode.
[Archive] - INI section that contains INI settings to define which BSA files are always loaded.