
  • Ehamloptiran for the initial LODGen, releasing the source and giving permission to update it
  • xEdit by ElminsterAU - Updated by Hlp, Zilav, Sharlikran, Sheson
  • Zilav for xLODGen and all the other great work and help
  • matortheeternal for pioneering and publishing sources of the 'standalone' and help
  • GamerPoets team and Michael for modding video tutorials
  • alt3rn1ty for the Wrye Bash instructions and help with the installer and beta testing
  • NifTools, NifSkope team and Jon for the invaluable work
  • S.T.E.P. - Every. Single. One
  • DathByDestiny for growing chest hair while beta testing
  • kojak747, somerandomguy83 and yausd for additional beta testing and feature suggestions
  • yausd for feature ideas, testing and for supporting and helping users elsewhere
  • Abendaron for additional beta testing and feature suggestions and providing the tree LOD background texture
  • Ilkob, yausd and Kesta for helping and contribution with the manual
  • Everyone who provided feedback and asked questions which equally resulted in improving DynDOLOD

DynDOLOD Resources includes LOD assets from or based on models and/or textures from these resources or people: